Starting the import process generally takes 1 to 5 minutes. After you've confirmed the import, the actual importing time can vary between 1 minute to several minutes. This is entirely based on how much data you have in your Wrike workspace as well as the rate limits of Wrike's API.
How to start an Import from Wrike
Start by finding the Import Projects button in your dropdown menu.
Select Wrike then select Get Started to the import.
Next, you will need to obtain your API Token from Wrike.
From within Wrike
Click your profile image in the workspace’s top right corner and select Apps & Integrations.
In your sidebar, select API. If the API is missing, enter this URL in your browser bar:
Navigate to
to reveal the API page.
Next, create an App.
Once the app is created, scroll to the Permanent access token section and select the Create token option to generate a token. You will be prompted to insert your password to continue.
Once the token is generated, copy it.
Back in Nifty
Paste this Token into Nifty and select Confirm proceed with the import.
Imports can take a while -- thanks for your patience!
What You Can Import from Wrike:
task lists
file attachments
date created
due dates
Once your loader is completed, you're ready to go! Be sure to check out our
Getting Started guide to help you get started with Nifty 🚀