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Importing from Basecamp

Import projects, users, tasks, and files from Basecamp into your Nifty workspace

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Starting the import process generally takes 1 to 5 minutes. After you've confirmed the import, the actual importing time can vary between 1 minute to several minutes. This is entirely based on how much data you have in your Basecamp account as well as the rate limits of Basecamp's API.

How to start an Import from Basecamp

1. Find the Import Projects button under your team dropdown and select the Basecamp feature.

2. Once you log into your Basecamp account, select the projects you wish to import. Every Basecamp project will be its own Nifty project.

You can align members from your Basecamp projects with Nifty team members, or invite new members to your team to match the user data.

3. Lastly, select the project data you wish to import, and begin importing.

Imports can take a while -- thanks for your patience!

What You Can Import from Basecamp:

  • projects

  • task lists

  • tasks

  • assignees

  • descriptions

  • attachments

  • due dates

Once your loader is completed, you're ready to go! Be sure to check out our
​Getting Started guide to learn the basics of Nifty πŸš€

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