Bring your video collaboration to new levels with our immersive Webex integration. This collaborative experience allows you to start a Webex call from a Project Discussion or Direct Message within Nifty!
How it Works
Integrate Webex
Integrate with your Webex account by going to Dropdown Menu --> Settings Gear --> App Center. From here, sign into your Webex account.
If you do not yet have a Webex account, you can sign up for a free account.
Enter the email associated with your Webex account and Sign In:
Then complete the integration:
Start a Meeting
Once integrated, you can now start Webex calls from either a Project Discussion or Direct Message via the camera icon. Others in the project or chat will see a banner with a button prompting them to join.
Uninstalling Webex
To install the Webex app, go to the Dropdown Menu --> Settings Gear --> App Center and click on the link chain icon.
Nifty Data Policy & Security
The Webex app comes as no additional charge to Nifty's service. You can view Nifty's Data policy on our Terms page.
Nifty's data is securely stored and end-to-end encrypted on AWS. To learn more about Nifty's security and data policy, visit our Security page.
Don't have a Nifty account yet? Sign up for free!