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Custom User Tags

Apply custom tags to communicate information about members within the workspace.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

User Tags are a fantastic way of indicating information about members of your team and your Guests, as well as make resource decisions in Workloads.

Who can set and view Tags?

While all members of Workspace are able to see tags, only Admins and Workspace Owner may apply them. Guests will not be able to see the tags applied to anyone within the workspace.

Applying a User Tag

User Tags are found in a user's Profile, which is accessible by hovering on the user tile within Nifty. From there, User Tags can be viewed and edited (with the appropriate account permissions).

If you don't have any Tags yet, create a new one.

Give it a name and a color, then Save it to apply it.

Some Ideas for User Tags

  • A role within your organization

  • Where this person is located (for decentralized teams)

  • Areas of expertise (Photoshop, Javascript)

  • Types of projects they have with you (for clients as Guests)

  • If they're on Vacation!

Note: that User Tags do not share the same Tag library as our Task, Doc, and File Tags.

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