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Reporting in Nifty

Discover how to access and utilize reports for your team and project workflows within your Nifty workspace.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

As the saying goes, "What gets measured, gets improved." The good news is that Nifty offers a variety of options for measuring and generating reports. You can categorize Nifty reports into two main types: Project Insights and Team Insights. While there is some overlap between them, here are a couple of key use cases:

  1. Workspace Reports: These are ideal if you want to assess your team's performance across multiple projects. Workspace Reports provide a broader view that includes project-specific data but are accessed outside of individual projects.

  2. Project Reports: Use these if you need to present information related to a specific project's roadmap progress, tracked time, or task completion. Project Reports are focused on individual projects and may include user-specific insights.

In summary, choose Workspace Reports for team-wide performance evaluation and Project Reports for detailed project-specific information.

Workspace Reports

Workspace Reports offer insights that extend beyond individual projects, making them ideal for evaluating departmental performance, portfolio health, and overall teammate productivity. Keep in mind that these reports will not provide access to data you don’t already have at the project level.

You can find Workspace Reports in the Reporting section of Nifty, located in the top left of your sidebar. If you don't see this section, it may be because your Workspace Role does not have the necessary permissions to access it.

All Tasks

Report Type: Print (.PDF) of Report view

The All Tasks feature is a versatile tool for reporting on open tasks in multiple ways. You'll find it as the first option under the Reporting tab.

You can select the scope of Projects and Portfolios you'd like All Tasks to report on to ensure that you're generating a relevant, actionable report.

Constructing Your Report

You can adjust the formatting of All Tasks to match your reporting needs:

  • Filter Tasks: Use the Filter bar to narrow down tasks within the reporting scope based on the following parameters:

    • Project

    • Assignee

    • Due Date

    • List

    • Tag

    • User Tag

    • Custom Field

    • Project Field

Grouping Tasks

Adjusting the Group By parameter changes how tasks are clustered in All Tasks. For instance:

  • Due Date: Ideal for actionable standups.

  • Project: Useful for understanding which tasks remain in each project within the reporting scope.

Available grouping options include:

  • Project

  • Due Date

  • List

  • Custom Field

  • Project Field


You can select between List, Report, and Kanban views to customize reports to your exact liking.

  • In List view, the config button (gear icon next to the selector) allows you to adjust the columns that appear in the report.

  • In Kanban view, the config button controls what content appears on a task's card face.

Report view automatically organizes the current data into pie charts and tables, providing a presentation-ready layout.

  • This is the only All Tasks view that can be exported.

  • Use the Print Report button to access printing options.

  • To open the report as a .PDF, select the More Settings dropdown from your print screen.

Saving Custom Views

You can save multiple layouts, allowing you to easily switch between different reporting formats and content. For more details on saving custom views, check out this article.


The Overview gives you a snapshot of all Roadmap progress across your workspace. Like All Tasks, you can adjust the reporting scope of Overviews using the Projects selector.

Projects are automatically sorted based on End date, but you can adjust your sorting options with the Sort Projects dropdown.

Within Overview, you can unroll projects to view their individual Milestone progress.

You can further unroll Milestones to view individual Tasks, or click on those Milestone to access the Milestone flyout menu.

Overview Exportable Reports

The Overview offers two exportable reports, available in both .CSV and .PDF formats.

  • These reports download as table-based reports.

  • For a visual capture of Overviews, it’s best to view them directly within Nifty or take a screenshot.

Project Progress Report includes:

  • Portfolio: Name

  • Project: Name

  • Progress: Percentage

  • Start Date: M/D/Y

  • End Date: M/D/Y

  • Total Tracked Time: HH:MM

Overview Report includes:

  • Portfolio: Name

  • Project: Name

  • Milestone: Name

  • Progress: Percentage

  • Open Tasks: Count

  • Completed Tasks: Count

  • Milestone Start Date: M/D/Y

  • Milestone End Date: M/D/Y


Workloads is your resource management hub to compare teammate availability and assignment volume.

Workloads' date range can be adjusted to customize the reporting scope.

You can also filter the information shown in Workloads based on Projects, Tags, or User Tags.

Workloads Exportable Report

You can export a Completed Task report from Workloads' top right corner.

Completed Task Report includes:

  • Task ID

  • Task Name

  • Task Group (list)

  • Project (name)

  • Assignees

  • Story Points

  • Start Date

  • Due Date

  • Completion Date

  • User Who Completed

  • Total Tracked Time

Members Report

The Members Report is a filterable, teammate-centric view for reporting open and completed Tasks over a given period of time.

You can control the date range of the report via the date selector tool in the top right.

Hovering over the columns will reveal a + button through which you can select which fields you'd like to appear on this screen.

Similar to All Tasks, this screen can be filtered by Project, Assignees, Due Dates, Tags, Task Fields, and Project Fields with the Filter By tool. Show Completed will allow you to toggle on/off completed Tasks for more reporting insights.

You can save configurations as Custom Views with the Save view button to use for quick reference in the future.

Members Exportable Report

You can export a Completed Tasks .CSV report from the top right of Members Report.

Completed Tasks Report includes:

  • Task ID

  • Task Name: Name

  • Project: Name

  • Assignees

  • Story Points

  • Start Date: M/D/Y

  • Due Date: M/D/Y

  • Completion Date: M/D/Y

  • User Who Completed: User

  • Total Tracked Time: HH:MM


Time has customizable reporting around projects, members, and tags, and date range in order to view time tracking entries from across projects.

You can control the scope of projects included in this report via the lefthand sidebar.

You can adjust the date range of this report via the date selector in the top right of the screen.

Filter this report by Tags or User Tags to sharpen insights.

You can also group this report by Project, Date, or Tracker.

Time Report Exportable Report

You can print or export a time report via the Print or Export button in the top right of the screen.

Export Options:

  • Print

  • PDF

  • CSV

Reported Data:

  • Project: Name

  • Task: Name

  • User: Who tracked time

  • Date

  • Start: Beginning of tracked time

  • End: End of tracked time

  • Duration: Time tracked in this session

  • Notes: Indicates if the timestamp was edited

User-based Time Report

This report produces all of the time tracking entries of workspace member over a given period of time.

You can access this report via the See profile button on hover of an avatar.

The report can be found on the Time tab within the profile.

The time period of the report can be controlled via the selector menu.

Exportable User Time Report

You can select between Print, PDF, & CSV for exporting this report.

User Time Report includes:

  • Project: Name

  • Task: Name

  • User: Who tracked time

  • Date

  • Start: M/D/Y

  • End: M/D/Y

  • Duration: HH:MM

  • Notes: Indicates if the timestamp was edited

Project Reports

Project Reports track the progress and information of a specific project in a multitude of ways. Below are the reports you can download on a project level.


Like the Overview screen, a project's Roadmap can export a Progress Report as a .CSV or .PDF. However, project-level Roadmaps offer an alternative reporting option to share the Roadmap as a public, read-only link. This is a fantastic way to leverage the interactive, intuitive Roadmap interface for project stakeholders who do not have access to Nifty.

Exportable Roadmap Report contains:

  • Milestone: Name

  • Progress: Percentage

  • Open Tasks: Count

  • Completed Tasks: Count

  • Milestone Start Date: M/D/Y

  • Milestone End Date: M/D/Y

Task Report

A Project's Task report excels at snapshot reporting of your open and completed Tasks. Similar to All Tasks mentioned above, a Project's Task board allows you to save and share customized views to enhance your reporting experience. However, Tasks offers two benefits over All Tasks reporting, in that:

  • Tasks offers a .CSV or .PDF column-style export in addition to the Reporting view print, and

  • A Task board can also be shared as a read-only public link (similar to Roadmap)

Both export options as well as the public share option can be found via the share icon at the top of the Tasks board.

Exportable Task Report

Tasks reports are extremely flexible as the data included in the report corresponds to the columns shown during export. You can adjust the columns shown in List view of Tasks via the gear config icon next to the view selector.

Tasks Report includes: (dependent on List view columns during export, barring Tracked Time which cannot be included in this report).

Timesheet Report

Project Time Reports offer a customizable date range and a user filter, allowing you to view individual or collective time tracking entries within a specific date range for the project.

There are two ways to access the time log:

  1. Open the time log via the Time Tracking widget on a project's dashboard by clicking on the Time Tracking title.

2. You can open the time log via the option dots that appear when you hover over a project in your sidebar.

Both options open the same time log.

Timesheets Exportable Report

You can filter the assignees and date range of the report to alter the data presented in the log. This report can be exported as a .CSV or .PDF or Printed.

Time Report includes:

  • Project: Name

  • Task: Name

  • User: Who tracked time

  • Date: M/D/Y

  • Start: Time

  • End: Time

  • Duration: HH:MM

  • Notes: Indicates if the timestamp was edited

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