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Project Portfolios

Organize your projects and assign teammates directly to portfolios for streamlined management and collaboration.

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Written by Team
Updated over 6 months ago

Project Portfolios help you organize your projects into folders, allowing you to assign teammates directly and streamline project management. This feature is perfect for categorizing projects by departments, locations, managers, or other criteria and automating team invitations.

Creating and Adding to a Portfolio

  • Default Portfolio: The default Portfolio is named General, where all new team members are added upon joining your Workspace. This Portfolio is ideal for company-wide resources accessible to everyone. It can be renamed and deleted.

  • Creating Additional Portfolios: Workspace Owners or Admins can create new Portfolios by clicking the + icon in the sidebar.

  • Adding Teammates: The Portfolio creator can add teammates by selecting from Workspace Members or entering email addresses in the search bar.

  • Project Access: Teammates added to a Portfolio are automatically invited to all public projects within that Portfolio. For private projects, the project creator must manually invite members.

  • Direct Project Invitations: You can invite teammates directly to a project within a Portfolio without adding them to the Portfolio itself. These teammates will see the Portfolio name but not its members or other projects they are not part of. Clients will only see the project they are invited to, not any Portfolios.

The Workspace Owner or Admins can create additional Portfolios via the + icon in the sidebar.

The person who created the Portfolio can then add additional teammates to the Portfolio by selecting from Workspace Members or inserting email addresses in the search bar.

Teammates added to the Portfolio are automatically invited to all projects, both current and future projects in the Portfolio as long as those projects are made public to its Portfolio. When projects are created as "Private", project creator must manually invite members to the project.

Note: You can invite teammates directly to a project within a Portfolio without inviting them to the Portfolio itself. In this case, these teammates will see the Portfolio name, but will not see the Portfolio's members and other projects that they're not a part of. Clients will not see any Portfolios but only the project that they invited into.

Projects can be moved across Portfolios by Portfolio Admins. Continue reading for more information on this.

Managing a Portfolio

  • Admin Role: Admins assigned to a Portfolio can manage its projects and members. If a project is moved into a Portfolio, its members are not automatically added to the new Portfolio.

  • Moving Projects: Projects can be moved between Portfolios via drag-and-drop. Only Admins and Project Owners (creators) can relocate projects across Portfolios.

  • Admin Requirements: Each Portfolio must have at least one Admin. If the sole Admin wishes to leave, they must appoint another Admin or the Team Owner before they can exit.

  • Deleting a Portfolio: Admins can delete a Portfolio, but note that this will also delete all projects within it. To preserve projects, archive them before deleting the Portfolio.

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