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Project Fields

Add information on a Project's Dashboard into standardized fields across projects for reporting and organization.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Project Fields allow you to create specific areas for project data to be used within and across projects. With various field types, there are many examples on how to use Project Fields, such as:

  • A Dropdown field to select from a list of clients

  • A Dropdown field to select from a list of departments

  • A User field to indicate specific roles within the project

  • URL, Phone number, Email, and Location fields to organize important logistic items

  • ...and much more!

Project Fields are remarkably similar to Custom Fields in how they are created, operated, and managed, only that the fields are applied to the Project itself and not individual Tasks. We can also use some field types to filter our Projects on All Tasks for reporting purposes.

Creating Project Fields

You can create a Project Field in the section below the Project Outline in the Dashboard module of a Project.

You will be brought to the Project Control Center to create the Project Field. To learn more about these field types, please visit our Custom Fields help article. Once the field and (if required) its options are created, you can Create field to see it in the Project Dashboard.

You can now interact with the Project Field within your Project.

Managing, Editing and Deleting Project Fields

If you're looking to add an existing Project Field to the project, make changes to a field, add or remove a field from the Project, or delete a field entirely, select the back button during the creation screen.

From here, you can toggle which Project Fields should be enabled in this Project.

You can click into a Project Field to edit its name, options (if applicable), or Remove to delete the field from this and all projects it is a part of.

Grouping Project Fields in All Tasks

One of the key benefits of Project Fields is grouping by them in All Tasks to create standup and reporting boards. This can be done with the Group By feature, after which you will find a Project Fields section of the the Group By options. Note that not all field types are available in Group By.

Once your view is configured, consider saving it as a custom view!

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