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Custom Fields & Budget Tracking
Custom Fields & Budget Tracking

Learn how to use Nifty's custom fields to formally categorize specific information, data, and even custom calculations.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Nifty's Custom Fields gives you the ability to specify custom information and data on a task and project level to virtually manage anything.

Creating a Custom Field

Custom Fields can be created from a few areas within your Taskboard and Roadmap, such as:

The + button or gear icon in List View

The + button in the Custom Fields section of a Task

And the + button at the bottom of a Milestone.

All of these different creation points will lead you to the Custom Fields tab of our Project Control Center.

From here, select the Create field option, and you'll be presented with the different types of Custom Fields that Nifty offers.

Types of Custom Fields

1. Budget: Combining the time tracked on a task with an inputted hourly rate will create the cost of a task. You can run a hidden rate from Guests to know your internal costs while running a client-facing budget at your hourly rate to create billing transparency.

2. Formula: Create a formula ( addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) amongst other custom fields to produce mathematical outputs as a custom field.

3. Text: Create a Text field to input text data such as names.

4. Dropdown: Creating a dropdown gives an array of options to choose from. Perhaps a color, model, or status.

5. Date: Create a specific date for Tasks within this project, such as shipping dates, sign up dates, and more.

6. Number: The number field allows you to assign a formal number to a task. This could be the amount of an ordered product, the number of design passes taken, or the weight of a package.

7. Phone Number: Keep a client, prospect, freelancer, or business's number directly on a task.

8. Email: An email relevant to this task can be kept as an Email custom field.

9. Location: Keep a location of this task. Could be the place of an event, or where an order should be shipped to.

10. Currency: Track the value of a deal, or the expenses associated with the task as a currency field. Not that the currency sign and decimal point will be automatically added into this field.

11. Checkbox: Create checkbox options and track selections. This is often used for items that do not change as to not confuse its use case with Subtasks. Examples would be a checklist of requirements for a lead or a checklist of items that need repair.

12. URL: Add a weblink in this field which opens in a browser tab when clicked.

12. User: Attribute a Project collaborator to this task in a non-assignee role. Note that there are no notifications attached to this attribution.

Reusing Custom Fields

A saved Custom Field can be reused in other Projects by selecting the circle in the corner of that field in that Project's Control Center.

Adding Custom Columns to your Task View

Custom columns allow you to add additional columns to your task view by using custom fields. This enables you to organize and formally categorize information that should remain at the forefront of your view. Learn more about task list view here.

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