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Nifty API & Webhooks

Create your own powerful integrations and apps with the Nifty API for a custom workflow.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Nifty API is a great way to build your own custom integrations and apps with our public Application Programming Interface. You can read our API documentation here.

*Note that the Nifty API is available to Workspaces on the Business Plan and above.

If you have questions regarding the API, please submit them via this Form.

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Creating a Custom App

Anyone on your Workspace team is able to create an integrated app.

Teams with access to the API will be able to create an app via the Integrate with API tab of the App Center in Profile. Select + Create a new App to get started.

Once selected, you will be prompted to fill out the App details.

Name: This is the name of your integrated application

Description: This is the description of your integrated application

Redirect URL: This must be a valid, HTTPS-secure URL that users will be redirected to after successfully authorizing your application. E.g. You may add additional URLs in case of different environments with the + Add another button.

Select app scopes: Here you will indicate which endpoint types your application will be utilizing.

Once your app is created, you will see it in your Integrate with API screen. Upon entering the app, you will find your Client ID, Client Secret key, and Authorize URL.

You will need to utilize the ID and Client Secret to generate the Refresh Token as outlined in the Authentication of the API documentation.

Once done, follow the Authorize URL to grant permission to your Nifty Workspace.

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