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Google Integrations

Explore Nifty's many Google integrations to consolidate your data streamline your workflow.

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Written by Team
Updated over 3 years ago

There many fantastic ways to integrate Google into your Nifty workflow to create the ultimate workflow hub.

Review our options below and establish the best integration(s) for you and your team!

Google SSO

Google SSO is a great way to leverage your Google account to log into Nifty. Google SSO can either be set on a personal level, or required for the entire team by your Workspace Owner. Google SSO is available on the Pro plan or higher.

Google Docs / Drive / Calendar

These three dynamic Google integrations all share a single authentication. This integration does not require Google SSO, though logging into Nifty via Google SSO will automatically grant you access to these integrations.

Google Docs

Create brand new or import existing Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides into the Docs section of a project. This powerful two-way integration brings the editing collaboration of Google directly into your workflow without utilizing any of your Nifty storage data.

Google Drive

With your Drive integrated with Nifty, you can easily access your file storage system and bring duplicate versions of relevant project assets into Nifty Tasks or directly into the Files of a Nifty project.

Google Calendar

Integrate your Google Calendar with your Personal Calendar in the Calendar tab of Nifty to view your Google events alongside your task deadlines in a single place.

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