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Recurring Tasks
Recurring Tasks

Recurring tasks help automate the scheduling of your repeating workflow so you can focus on work that actually matters.

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Updated over a week ago

Got a daily task? A weekly meeting? Or a monthly report?

Nifty's recurring tasks removes the hassle of creating these tasks manually by automating task creation based on your custom criteria!

How Recurring Tasks Work

You'll find the ability to set recurring parameters under the Dates section of a Task.

A Task will recur in the List in Status in which it exists when the recurring parameters are set. A Task shows it is recurring based on the swirling arrows shown next to it.

There are three ways Tasks can recur:

Date: This tasks recurs based on specific date parameters. A Task will be created on the recurring date if the current version of the Task is not completed before the date arrives.
​Status: The task repeats based on being moved to a Status. For example, you can have this Task recreate when the current one is moved from To Do --> In Progress.

Completion: The task will repeat as soon as the existing task has been marked completed.

To learn more about setting custom Start and Due dates to recurring Tasks, as well as controlling what should recur in the new version of the Task, refer to the Advanced Options section below in this guide.

AI-powered Recurring Tasks

The easiest way to implement recurring parameters is to let Nifty's OrbitAI do it for you! Enter a prompt and use the Generate button, and Nifty will configure the recurring parameters for you.

If you are satisfied with the result (you can review future recurrences by hovering over Next recurrence), select Set recurring to set it live.

Note that not all recurring prompts can be visualized by the manual configuration UI, but you can use the Next recurrence preview to see if the AI appropriately planned your upcoming tasks.

Set Recurring Task Behavior: Instant or Date-Based Recurrence

When a Recurring Task is completed, the next recurrence of that task will be generated instantly. If you'd prefer Tasks to only recur on their recurring dates, even if completed in advance, select the Recur on date only option.

Date-based Recurring Tasks

Preset options

Date-based recurring gives a bunch of preset options. Note that this pop up scrolls down to reveal more options.

The full list of default recurring options includes:

  • First day of each month

  • First Monday of each month

  • Last day of each month

  • Last Friday of each month

  • Every Monday

  • Every Friday

  • First day of every quarter

  • Last day of every quarter

You can select one of these preset options to quickly deploy a recurring Task.

Custom Date Recurring

The dropdown selector allows you to choose from day, week, month, or year.


Select the day(s) of the week that you'd like this task to recur. Select multiple days for multiple recurrences within a week. This can be controlled further with the Every number. For example, setting a Task to recur every 2 days with all 7 days selected cause this Task to recur every other day and not 7 days a week. You can also set the time that the Task will be created, as well as a date after which this Task will no longer recur.


Week allows you to control recurring on a weekly basis. We can set 2 for every 2 weeks, 26 for twice a year. The day selected will recur the Task on that day during the week (eg, Monday every 2 weeks). You can also set the time that the Task will be created, as well as a date after which this Task will no longer recur.


Month begins by asking you to select the recurring number. 2 would make this Task recur every 2 months. Additionally, you're asked to select a start month to ensure that your Tasks are recurring on the ideal schedule. 2 months with a January start month means the next Task would recur in March.

Next, you'll select between on date or by week.

For on date, the number inserted will be that day of the month that the task should recur (eg, 15 is the 15th of that month). You can add negative integers here to backdate as well (eg, 0 will create a task a on the last day of the month, and -1 will create a Task the day before that).

The By Week parameters follow the same rationale as the Weekly recurring above.

You can also set the time that the Task will be created, as well as a date after which this Task will no longer recur.


Year allows you to recur a Task every year (or two, or more). You will also select the month and date at which the Task recurs. You can also set the time that the Task will be created, as well as a date after which this Task will no longer recur.

Advanced Options

To control the contents of recurring Tasks, as well as custom Start and Due dates for these Tasks, access the Advanced options.

Advanced options allow you to disable/enable the following details from recurring in the new version of a Task:

  • Description

  • Start Date

  • Due Date

  • Subtasks

  • Custom Fields

  • Embeds

Start and Due Date Offsets

Add offset days to Tasks to control their relative Start and Due dates of the recurring Task. these numbers must be positive integers.

For example, a Start offset of 0 and Due offset of 3 would make the Task have a Start date of its recurring date and a due date 3 days later. In this way, you can set custom dates relative to the recurring date for start/due date controls.

Troubleshooting Recurring Tasks

There are several ways to troubleshoot recurring Tasks as you're creating them to make sure everything will work as you intend.

Next recurrence check

Once you've set up recurring parameters, hover over the Next recurrence date to see an array of upcoming recurrences based on the inputted parameters.

Set recurring

Be sure to set recurring into motion once you've saved the parameters with the Set recurring button.

Once set, the parameters will show within the Task, and the current recurring version of the Task will have swirling arrow icons next to it on your Tasks screen.

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