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How Nifty Tasks Work
How Nifty Tasks Work

Create your custom task journey and populate task details such as assignees and due dates to enforce a seamless workflow.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Tasks break your project into smaller, actionable, accountable steps. Tasks exist in Statuses within a Project. You can create a Task a few different ways.

Creating a Task

Within a Project, you can create a Task from within a Status, at the top of your Task Board, or within a Milestone on your Roadmap.

Additionally, a Task can be created from anywhere into any Project within Nifty via the

+ Create button at the top right of the screen.

Once a Task is created, click on it to open it.

The Anatomy of a Task

Top Bar Options

Task IDs: (Above seen as SGN-1) This allows you to copy the task-id of a task and mention it in project discussions, chats, and comments to allow others to quickly open the task from anywhere by simply clicking on the ids.

Status Move / Complete:  (Above seen as To Do) This indicates the Status that this Task is in. Clicking on this Status will allow you to relocate this Task into a different Status (or even a different project entirely).

Track time: Click on the play button the time you spend on this task. Note that you can only track one task at a time. You can learn more about Time Tracking here.

Subscribe: Allow for notifications when this task is updated. You will automatically be subscribed to tasks that you've created or been assigned to.

Hide: Control which roles should not have access to this Task. Learn more about Hiding Tasks and Milestones here.

Expand: View this Task with two columns to see Comments alongside the Task Details.

Option Dot Menu Actions

Add manual time: Add time onto the Task without recording it with the Time Tracking widget.

View time log: See all of the tracked time entries on this Task.

Link Task: Create a connection between this Task and another Task. Learn more about Linking Tasks here.

Duplicate: This allows you to duplicate a task within a project with all of its details, tags, and subtasks.

Save as template: Use this Task layout again in the future. Learn more about Task Templates here.

Copy task URL:  Copy this Task's URL to share internally within your Workspace.

Archive Task:  Move this Task from an open Status to your Archived Status.

--Lower Row--

Assignees:  Assign users to this task. Note that users assigned to a subtask are automatically assigned to the task.

Due Date:  Add a deadline to this task. Tasks that are not in the Completed pile by their due date are considered overdue.

Tags: Use default Priority tags or create customized Tags to a task to use the Filter by Tasks feature on a project's task-board as well as My and All tasks.

Tie to a Milestone: Tie this task to a milestone to have its status propel Roadmap progress. To learn more about this, check out our Automate Roadmap Progress article.

Dependency: Lock this task, making it unable to be moved or completed until another task is complete.

Reminders: Set custom reminders to be alerted via email, in-app, and push notifications when you'd like to.

Recurring: Set this task to recur based on customized parameters.

Start Date: Indicate when this task should begin being worked on.

Story Points: Assign a predictive value to this task to determine how many days you estimate the task to take. Story Points roll up on Milestones and projects as well.

By using the many functions that a task offers, tasks can be an in-depth progress tracker towards a larger project goal, a simple to-do list, or anything in between!

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