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How to Use Nifty for Issue Tracking & Bug Management
How to Use Nifty for Issue Tracking & Bug Management

Arrange your projects and engage automations to ace your bug and ticket management with utmost efficiency.

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Written by Team
Updated over 2 years ago

Whether it's a digital product, a commercial building, or a simple website, developing an effective system to ingest and manage issues is a surefire way to improve your support experience.

Here are some tips on how to maximize Nifty in your support workflow. While our example will be that of software issue tracking, you'll learn the tools and concepts to mold the flow to your exact needs.

Structuring Statuses as Resolution Funnel

Your Statuses on your Tasks screen will outline the lifecycle of a ticket. In the below example, we see Reported β†’ In Progress β†’ QA β†’ Approved β†’ Completed. In this flow, the QA engineer assigned to the QA status will automatically be assigned to any task that is ready for his review. They can then shift it back to In Progress if it fails validation or to Approved if it passes.

Standardizing Data with Custom Fields

Custom Fields allow you to insert data into standardized fields that you define. This is a great way to collect names, email addresses, issue options (with a dropdown field) and more.

Enabling Custom Fields via the Show button on your Task board will allow you to see Custom Field details about this Task from its card in Kanban view.

Automating Ticket Creation

The easiest way to automate tickets creation in Nifty is with our Forms tool. You can create a Form with for your exact needs and have responses automatically create Tasks with populated name, description, Custom Fields and attachments.

Using Milestones to Version Updates

If you're looking to create versioned releases of bug fixes, Milestones are a great way to associate which fixes will be associated with which release. This might be the step that exists between moving an issue between Approved and Completed Statuses, as tying a task to a Milestone will give it more context as to when it was completed from a version perspective.

For workflows that don't need to version their fixes, you might remove the "Approved" Status and instead move Tasks directly to Completed.

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