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How To Use Milestone Gantt Charts in Nifty
How To Use Milestone Gantt Charts in Nifty

Automate and track your project's progress with Milestones and ensure team alignment behind key sprints, phases, or deliverables.

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Updated over a week ago

Milestones are Task Lists that are graphed to the Roadmap so that their progress can be tracked based on the the completion of Tasks within them. Milestones are fantastic for tracking sprints, project deliverables, phases, content calendars, and more!

Note that there are two types of Roadmap modes: Auto and Manual. Auto Milestones will update your Milestones based on the array of dates of the Tasks within the Milestone, whereas Manual will allow you to set Milestone date ranges to which the Tasks must adhere. You can learn more about these two modes here.

Creating a Milestone

There are two ways to create a Milestone in Nifty.

Graphing a List as a Milestone

If you have a List in your project that you wish to chart as a Milestone, hover over the List's name on the Project's Task screen to reveal the option dot menu.

From there, select Show in Roadmap as Milestone. Your List will now appear as a Milestone on the Roadmap.

Creating a New Milestone

You can create a new Milestone from your Roadmap screen. During this creation flow, you can select an existing List, or create a new one to graph as a Milestone on your Roadmap.

Once created, any Tasks added into a Milestone will also be added to the corresponding List on the Task screen.

Automating Milestone Progress Reporting

Milestones will update in color based on the completion status of the Tasks within them.

The color coordination of Milestones are as follows:

Green: This Milestone's Tasks are all complete.

Orange: This Milestone is reporting the percentage of open and completed Tasks.

Red: This Milestone (and the open Tasks within it) are overdue.

Gray: This Milestone has no completed Tasks and is not overdue.

Setting Milestone Dependencies

Milestone Dependencies are great for linear, phase-based workflows. If you can't start the next phase of your project until the current one is completed, be sure to check out Milestone Dependencies.

You can apply a Milestone Dependency from within a Milestone.

Once applied, the Tasks within the Milestone will be locked and cannot be completed until all of the Tasks in the dependency Milestone are completed. Note that these Tasks can still be edited and moved across active Statuses while they are locked by a dependency.

Optimizing Your Roadmap Visualization

There are a few ways you can control your Roadmap to optimize your insights into your Milestones and their respective Tasks.

Viewport Control

You can toggle between Day, Week, Month, and Year views of your Roadmap to hone into the context of your project's timeframe. You can select between these views via the D/W/M/Y switch at the bottom right of the Roadmap.

Expanding Milestones

You can expand a Milestone to see the individual Tasks within it by selecting the down arrow in the Milestone Sidebar. Tasks can be dragged and dropped to change start, due, and both start and due dates. The ability to shift Tasks to date beyond the Milestone's start and end dates are based on the Mode of Milestones you're using within your Roadmap.

Compact View

For Projects with high volumes of Milestones or Tasks within expanded Milestones, enabling Compact View will condense the height of Milestones and the Tasks within them to maximize the amount of data visualized within the Roadmap.

Collapsable Milestone Sidebar

The left arrow at the top of the Milestone sidebar allows you to collapse the sidebar, thus maximizing the horizontal space of your Roadmap.

Learn More about Roadmaps

Additionally, you can learn more about the Importance of Milestones in Project Management in the linked article. πŸš€

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